Please order your flowers
upfront to our mailadress:


Blumengroßmarkt Frankfurt
An der Festeburg 31
D-60389 Frankfurt/M
+49 (0) 69 47 20 79


Mondays to Fridays
04:30 am – 01:00 pm
04:30 am – 09:00 am

minicuci is the long-standing wholesale company rich in tradition within the central flower and ornamental plant market in Frankfurt. Having suppliers around the world and round the corner we only choose the freshest cut flowers and the prettiest foliage. We are constantly on the hunt for the extraordinary, the most exclusive and best on the market.
We set great value on fair, sustainable and organic growing and also on individually tailored customer service. Here you get information about our service, policies and business partners.
Welcome to our website!
You can send us your order upfront per mail! bestellung@minicuci.com


Do you like to have a choice? We have seasonal highlights, attractive decoration ideas and a wide range exclusively for you as a reseller. You also like to access it several times.
Please also have a look at our news. Here we have everything for the current season.

  • Cut flowers
  • Greenery
  • Decoration
  • Dried flowers
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Starfloristen bei Minicuci

Starfloristen bei Minicuci